Registration / Login

SPOCs will share the Airmeet link with your team to join the event.

When you click the Airmeet link, a similar screen will appear, here you can go through the overview, schedule, speakers, event partners, and other details.

Please click "Enter Airmeet" button to join the event.

Please register with your details, these details will act as your name card during the whole event. After filling in the details, please click the "Continue" button.

Welcome to the event, this will be the welcome screen or the reception of the event.

On the left side of the screen, you will see three tabs -Reception, Sessions, Lounge. On the right side, you will have the functionalities like Event (global chat), People (attendees' list), Session (session group chat).


This will be an event chat tab where you can discuss and share your thoughts publicly. The messages will be visible to each and every person attending the event and will be saved.


In the people tab, you will have two options - direct messages and attendees, if you wish to message someone directly, you can find that person from the attendees' list and message.